Founded through their shared passion for fashion, Delphine Lefay and Diego Dultzin Lacoste launched OnTheList in 2016 with the aim of offering the best shopping experience for everyone in Hong Kong. In September 2018, OnTheList expanded to the shores of Singapore and subsequently to Taipei in early 2019.
OnTheList is a pioneering concept of Members-Only Flash Sales, offering members exclusive access to luxury brands at discounted prices, for a limited number of days. Members are Invited by an e-mailed barcode to a specific location for the 3 or 4 day event.
So Chic invited Diego Dultzin to share the story beind OnTheList:
I grew up in Mexico, France, and did 1 year of university exchange in Singapore.
Openness: in terms of accepting new ideas, processes, and innovation. Takes in opinion from the team, and is willing to listen on how things can be improved.
Get Involved: hands on and actively participates and helps out on the floor (set up, moving etc) whenever needed.
Having been in the retail industry, we found that there are no effective channel to get rid of past-season merchandise. These excess items sit in warehouses, taking up valuable inventory space.
That’s how OTL came about, providing a solution to help brands offload their excess stocks in a sustainable way.
We’ve worked with more than 50 brands through our 1 year in Singapore, and over 450 brands in Hong Kong, where it first started 3 years ago.
With the growing awareness in fashion sustainability, brands are increasingly being put in the spotlight through the way they deal with past-season inventory. Instead of destroying these items, OTL provides a platform for brands to sell to new customers by extending its product shelf life, whilst minimizing the negative effect of the retail industry. These customers are not necessarily their core target market, but with our platform, it brings access to a wider group of customers, thereby potentially increasing their sales, leading to market growth.
In terms of our vision, we aim to be the partners of the brands across Asia, and their reliable go-to partner when they think and decide on their past-season stocks strategy.
We aim to expand into different APAC countries, continuing our growth in order to help both lifestyle and luxury brands to solve their stock and merchandising problems.
By promising and delivering to our OnTheList members the best deal in town and having attractive brands, we also want to continue integrating and promoting sustainability through our business practices.
Surprises. Being creative and to surprise the others. (:
At OTL, you will be able to get great gifts at affordable prices! And because of the discounts, you cannot only get for your partner but also for yourself. As we carry different kinds of category and products, you’ll always be able to find something unique that can’t be found readily in the retail market. With our luxury partner brands, every sale will be like a treasure hunt!
541 Orchard Road
#08-01/04 Liat Towers
Singapore 238881