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French Shopping, Dining & Lifestyle guide in Singapore

So Chic Stories

Beauty Superfoods to Keep You Glowing Inside & Out

It has been decided: In 2018 we take care of ourselves! Yes we say that every year, but this time we do it! The end of the year holidays are over, we feasted (or may still be feasting), but fret not, we can still continue eating, but eating better!

The secret? What we put on our plates! Discover certain beauty foods that you can have for sensational skin and radiant energy. Here are a few quick tips we have put together.

You will find them in fruits and vegetables. The more coloured they are, the better because they will contain more Vitamin C and carotenoids. Legumes such as lentils or chickpeas are very rich in Zinc and will allow you to create delicious salads! To taste it, we allow ourselves a square of magnesium rich dark chocolate with a handful of almonds, nuts or hazelnuts. This way, no nibbling until dinner time!

We limit the consumption of red meat and cold cuts. White meats and eggs are preferred for protein. We also avoid white flour products, we prefer whole grains, healthier and more burrative. And of course no industrial food all ready-made!

The most important thing is to eat everything in small quantities! Antioxidants are not the only foods to favor to have a beautiful skin. Think of the famous fatty acids too! You will find them in oily fish (salmon, mackerel …) as well as in crustaceans, algae, nuts, and in various oils (rapeseed, soybean, linseed, walnuts, sunflower, corn and grape seeds).

Of course, in addition to a healthy and balanced diet, we continue the daily beauty gestures: deep cleansing its skin morning and evening, do not forget to remove makeup and apply the creams corresponding to our type of skin!

Read also: Daily Beauty gestures